Review Article:
Vasculitis Update 2006:
Criteria, Classification, Epidemiology, Etiology, Pathogenesis,
Evaluation and Prognosis.
Andrew Carlson MD, FRPC(1),
T Ng MD(2),
Chen MD, PhD (3)
Albany, NY, USA and Tokyo,
on January 4, 2006
1) Professor, Divisions of Dermatology
and Dermatopathology, Albany Medical College, Albany, NY. USA
2) Department of Pathology,
Albany, Medical College, Albany, NY, USA
3) Department
of Dermatology, Ogikubo Hospital, Tokyo, Japan
Vasculitis, inflammation of the vessel wall, can result in mural
destruction with hemorrhage, aneurysm formation, and infarction,
or intimal-medial hyperplasia and subsequent stenosis leading to
tissue ischemia. The skin, in part due to its large vascular bed,
exposure to cold temperatures, and frequent presence of stasis,
is involved in many distinct as well as un-named vasculitic syndromes
that vary from localized and self-limited to generalized and lifethreatening
with multi-organ disease. To exclude mimics of vasculitis, diagnosis
of cutaneous vasculitis requires biopsy confirmation where its acute
signs (fibrinoid necrosis), chronic signs (endarteritis obliterans),
or past signs (acellular scar of healed arteritis) must be recognized
and presence of extravascular findings such as patterned fibrosis
or collagenolytic granulomas noted. Although vasculitis can be classified
by etiology, many cases have no identifiable cause, and a single
etiologic agent can elicit several distinct clinicopathologic expressions
of vasculitis. Therefore, the classification of cutaneous vasculitis
is best approached morphologically by determining vessel size and
principal inflammatory response. These histologic patterns roughly
correlate with pathogenic mechanisms that, when coupled with direct
immunofluorescent examination, anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody
(ANCA) status, and findings from work-up for systemic disease, allow
for specific diagnosis, and ultimately, more effective therapy.
Herein, we review cutaneous vasculitis focusing on diagnostic criteria,
classification, epidemiology, etiology, pathogenesis, and evaluation
of the cutaneous vasculitis patient.
Key words: classification, etiology,
epidemiology, pathogenesis, direct immunofluorescence, ANCA, systemic
vasculitis, localized vasculitis, endarteritis obliterans
ACR: American College of Rheumatology
AECA: antiendothelial antibodies
ANCA: antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies
APS: antiphospholipid antibody syndrome
CHCC: Chapel Hill Consensus Conference
CLA: cutaneous leukocytoclastic angiitis (a.k.a. cutaneous leukocytoclastic
CSS: Churg-Strauss syndrome
CTD: connective tissue disease (collagen vascular disease)
CTDV: CTD associated vasculitis
CV: cryoglobulinemic vasculitis
DIF: direct immunofluorescent studies
GCA: giant cell (temporal) arteritis
HE: hematoxylan and eosin stained tissue sections
HSP: Henoch-Schönlein purpura
IC: immune complexes
LCV: leukocytoclastic vasculitis (a.k.a. hypersensitivity angiitis/cutaneous
leukocytoclastic vasculitis)
MPA: microscopic polyangiitis
MPO: myeloperoxidase
PAN: polyarteritis nodosa
PR3: proteinase 3
PSV: primary systemic vasculitis
RA: rheumatoid arthritis
SLE: systemic lupus erythematosus
UV: urticarial vasculitis
WG: Wegener granulomatosis
(Am J Dermatopathol 2005;27:504–528)
Few diseases in clinical medicine cause as much diagnostic and therapeutic
consternation as vasculitis (1-6). Vasculitis
is simply inflammation directed at blood vessels identified by histologic
examination. When blood vessel inflammation occurs, vessel wall
destruction with hemorrhage and aneurysm formation or stenosis due
to intimal hyperplasia can occur both of which may lead to tissue
ischemia and infarction. Vasculitis can be a primary process (no
known cause or association), or a phenomenon secondary to drug ingestion,
infection or the presence of a systemic disease (e.g., rheumatoid
arthritis) or to local factor such as trauma. Systemic and localized
vasculitis often affects the skin and subcutis, likely due in part
to their large vascular bed, hemodynamic factors (e.g. stasis in
lower extremities) and environmental influences (e.g. cold exposure
in cryoglobulinemic vasculitis). Frequent skin involvement by vasculitic
syndromes, seen as diverse and dynamic patterns of discoloration,
swelling, hemorrhage and/or necrosis, may be their initial and/or
most accessible manifestations. Thus, dermatopathologists and dermatologists
often become involved in the diagnosis and management of vasculitis
(2, 5, 7).
Cutaneous vasculitis presents as a mosaic of clinical and histologic
findings due to varied pathogenic mechanisms. Physical signs of
vasculitis include urticaria, purpura, ulcer, infarct, livedo reticularis
and nodules that affect the skin with varying intensity, depth and
distribution creating a number of named syndromes, e.g. erythema
induratum (nodular vasculitis), Henoch-Schonlein purpura (HSP),
or Wegener’s granulomatosis (WG). However, in many cases,
specific clinical entities do not always correlate exactly with
mechanisms and any one patient may have a constellation of morphologic
signs that overlaps with another clinical entity thus preventing
confident clinical diagnosis (8, 9). A definitive
diagnosis of vasculitis requires histologic confirmation in almost
all cases because few vasculitic syndromes have pathognomonic clinical,
radiographic and/or laboratory findings (6, 10).
However, a biopsy diagnosis of vasculitis cannot stand by itself,
as it must be correlated with clinical history, physical and laboratory
findings and/or angiographic features. For instance, a diagnosis
of vasculitis restricted to the skin (a.k.a. hypersensitivity vasculitis)
requires that the systemic manifestations of vasculitis be sought
and found absent (5). If systemic vasculitis
is present, imaging studies can provide a useful means to determine
disease extension and activity (10) and serology,
such as ANCA levels and type can be used to monitor disease activity
and predict mortality risk, respectively (11, 12).
In addition, clinical features such as the presence of arthralgias
and cryoglobulinemia, and absence of fever can predict for a chronic
course (13). Lastly, the histopathologic
interpretation for vasculitis is dependent on the type of biopsy,
age of the cutaneous lesion sampled, effects of prior treatment
and experience of the pathologist. Not only the diagnosis of vasculitis,
but also the recognition of the specific type, associated diseases
or triggering factors, and monitoring by histology and/or laboratory
tests, may be decisive for optimal therapy of vasculitis.
In this first part of this 2-part review, diagnostic criteria,
classification, etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, and evaluation
of patients presenting with cutaneous vasculitis will be discussed.
In the second part, specific vasculitic entities, primary and secondary,
that can affect the skin will be presented in the context of morphologic
and pathophysiologic classification scheme. A primarily morphologic-based
scheme is used
rather than the etiologic-based one, as it is the most practical
method to generate a relevant differential diagnosis when interpreting
a skin biopsy showing vasculitis
(Fig. 1).
Classification and Diagnosis of Vasculitis
The diagnosis of vasculitis is a medical challenge due to the unknown
or incompletely understood etiology and pathogenesis of most vasculitides
as well as their protean and overlapping clinicopathologic features
(14, 15). For instance, hepatitis C infection
can found in association with several different types of vasculitis
such as polyarteritis nodosa (PAN), cryoglobulenimic vasculitis
(CV) and hypersensitivity/cutaneous leukocytoclastic angiitis (CLA)
(16). (Henceforth, leukocytoclastic vasculitis (LCV) will
be used to describe patients with the histologic reaction pattern
of small vessel neutrophilic vasculitis with or without systemic
disease; the Chapel Hill Consensus Conference term cutaneous leukocytoclastic
angiitis (CLA) will be used to describe patients with cutaneous
LCV without systemic disease). To efficaciously treat vasculitis,
a precise and accurate diagnostic classification of vasculitis is
essential. Moreover, to study the epidemiology of vasculitis and
to compare treatment regimens from different studies/regions/medical
centers, reproducible classification schemes are required.
Examples of vasculitis classification schemes include categorization
by pathogenesis (mechanism) (e.g. ANCA mediated (Arthus Type II)
or immune complex mediated (Arthus Type III)), by anatomic involvement
(e.g. vessel size and organ distribution), by histopathologic pattern
(e.g. type of inflammation & vessel distribution), or by clinical
manifestations (e.g. by clinical syndrome for comparison of groups
by outcome or response to therapy). Zeek was the first to develop
a classification system for vasculitis differentiating patients
mostly on organ system involvement (17). This
initial scheme served as basis for the American College Rheumatology’s
(ACR) published classification system (18-25);
however, this system did not have input by dermatologists who have
trouble placing patients in one category or another (26).
In fact, the referring rheumatologist’s diagnosis served
as the gold standard in developing the ACR classification criteria,
which have sensitivities ranging from 71% to 94% and specificities
ranging from 87% to 92%.(27,28) Applying
ACR criteria for WG, PAN, giant cell arteritis (GCA), and hypersensitivity
vasculitis to patients suspected of having vasculitis reveals a
poor positive predictive value ranging from 17% to 29%.(29)
In that study by Rao et al,(29) the clinical
findings of palpable purpura, neuropathy, and microscopic hematuria
were significantly more likely to be found in vasculitis patients,
and tissue biopsy (skin, kidney, or temporal artery) significantly
aided in diagnosis.
Today, the most widely adopted vasculitis classification system
is that of Chapel Hill Consensus conference,(30)
but even this system is not problem free.(26)
Most of the classification criteria derived from groups such as
the CHCC or the ACR were not originally developed as diagnostic
criteria for individual
patients (particularly those with early disease), but for comparisons
of groups of patients.(30,31) Table
1 lists the diagnostic criteria for primary vasculitis promulgated
by the CHCC and ACR. Examples of either system’s shortcomings
for the classification of individual patient’s vasculitis
follow below. The positive predictive value for the ACR criteria
for hypersensitivity vasculitis (CLA in the CHCC) is 30%,(29)
and significant overlap exists between ACR’s criteria
of HSP and hypersensitivity vasculitis.(22,23)
Indeed, some authors consider HSP to be a subset of CLA mediated
mainly by IgA immune complexes.)(32) Contrarily,
based on CHCC nomenclature, many HSP patients with systemic symptoms
could also be classified as the systemic vasculitis-microscopic
polyangiitis (MPA).(33) Supplementing CHCC
criteria with surrogate parameters such as proteinuria and hematuria
with red blood cell casts for the presence of glomerulonephritis
or radiologic lung infiltrates or cavities greater than 1 month’s
duration for lung granulomas, the CHCC nomenclature still fails
to identify many patients with WG and MPA.(8)
In addition, the criteria of ACR and CHCC identify different groups
of patients. Classic PAN as defined by the CHCC is rare but common
by ACR criteria, because small vessel involvement is excluded from
this definition by the CHCC.(9,34–36)
Clearly, distinctions based solely by vessel size are imprecise
means of classification as overlap in vessel size involvement is
common particularly for the ANCA+ vasculitides with CLA. However,
to date, no ideal system of classification exists for vasculitis,
and the major advances in the classification have been in the recognition
of dominant blood vessel size involved, the distinction between
primary and secondary vasculitis, and the incorporation of pathophysiologic
markers such as direct immunofluorescent (DIF) and anti-neutrophil
cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) (14, 15).
In the clinical evaluation of patients with vasculitis, biopsy
specimens are essential to confirm the presence of vasculitis, reveal
the presence of extravascular granulomas or tissue eosinophilia,
and assess for the presence of immune deposits in vessels walls.
To confirm the presence of vasculitis and correctly classify the
of vasculitis, criteria must exist to allow for histologic recognition
of vasculitis.
Histologic Diagnostic Criteria
(Table 2)
The diagnosis of vasculitis of medium or small vessels is made primarily
by biopsies and examination of HE-stained sections. Most observers
will agree that the term vasculitis should reflect conditions in
which inflammatory cells significantly damage vessels and not merely
transverse them to enter the surrounding tissue (38,
39). Fibrinoid necrosis (fibrin deposition within and around
the vessel wall) is a common histologic feature of nearly all early
vasculitic lesions and is due to the accumulation of plasma proteins,
including coagulation factors that are converted to fibrin, at sites
of vessel wall destruction (40).
See Figure 2.
Histologic evidence of vessel wall injury (vasculitis).
The diagnosis of vasculitis can be unequivocally be made if there
are inflammatory infiltrates within and around the walls of vessels
accompanied by fibrin deposition (fibrinoid necrosis). Not only
fibrin, but its precursors and metabolites (fibrinogen fibrinopeptides),
necrotic endothelial and inflammatory cells, and immunoreactants
are present in zones of fibrinoid necrosis.(40,41)
These changes commonly coexist with signs of endothelial damage
in the form of endothelial swelling, shrinkage (apoptosis), or sloughing.
Secondary changes in which vascular damage can be inferred are the
histologic findings of extravasation of red blood cells (purpura),
necrosis (infarct), and ulceration secondary to the ischemia from
vessel obstruction or destruction by the inflammatory insult (Fig.
3). Abnormal eccrine (sweat) glands secondary to tissue ischemia
can also be found and is recognized by solitary cell or whole gland
necrosis, regeneration, and basal cell hyperplasia within ducts
(Fig. 4).(42)
Neovascularization of the adventia, formation of small capillaries,
is prominent feature of mature and older lesions of medium and large
vasculitides such as polyarteritis nodosa and giant cell arteritis
(Fig. 5).(43)
New capillary formation is also a prominent feature of chronic
localized small vessel vasculitis such as erythema elevatum dinutum;
these new capillaries may be more susceptible to immune complex
(IC) deposition.(44) Reactive angioendotheliomatosis is another
histologic pattern that can be seen as a consequence of medium vessel
vasculitis such as PAN or other causes of vascular obstruction.(45)
This reactive vascular pattern is characterized by a diffuse
or lobular proliferation of capillaries in the dermis, often harboring
fibrin microthrombi and reactive, fasciitis-like dermal alterations,
and foci of epithelioid endothelium (Fig.
6). The livedoid pattern or atrophic blanche pattern overlying
cutaneous PAN(46) may represent a variant
of reactive angioendotheliomatosis.
The diagnosis of vasculitis is much more problematic if fibrin
deposits are not identified. To separate such cases from the much
larger group of perivascular dermatitides, one can look for circumstantial
evidence of vessel wall damage. This evidence may include lamination
of the adventia, media, and/or intima of vessels (so-called onion
skinning) (Fig.
7); perivascular nuclear dust (leukocytoclasia) without fibrin
deposits (early, evolving LCV)
(Fig. 8); sharply defined loss of the elastic lamina associated
with acellular scar tissue (the healed stage of muscular vessel
vasculitis) (Fig.
9); or in the case of muscular (large) vessels, subendothelial,
intramuscular, and/or advential inflammatory cells (Fig.
10). Regarding the latter finding, the walls of these vessels
are not the sites of diapedesis—a process that is restricted
to postcapillary venules; thus, the presence of inflammatory cells
in these vessel regions is indicative of inflammation directed at
vessel wall constituents. In the case of large vessel vasculitis,
the adventia is believed to be the site of antigenic stimulation.
The end-stage phenomenon of luminal obliteration (endarteritis
obliterans) is an irreversible, ischemic consequence of vasculitis
and typically affects small-to-mediumsized arteries. Healed lesions
of muscular vessel vasculitis, the acellular scar stage, do not
progress to endarteritis obliterans and can be associated with either
luminal stenosis or aneurysm formation; however, persistence of
vessel wall inflammation, either medial or intimal, can eventually
lead to luminal obliteration or aneurysm rupture (Fig.
11). The life history of lesions
of suspected inflammation-promoted endarteritis obliterans are found
in Sneddon syndrome (cerebrovascular lesions and livedo racemosa),
a putative example of lymphocytic vasculitis.(47)
Initially, a lymphocytic endothelialitis (endarteritis) occurs that
is followed by the formation of a sponge-like plug composed of mononuclear
cells, fibrin, and red blood cells resulting in partial to complete
(Fig. 12).
A perivascular lymphohistiocytic (non-neutrophilic) inflammatory
infiltrate develops around affected arteries, which is then followed
by formation of dilated capillaries in obstructed vessels’
adventia. Smooth muscle cells are suspected to immigrate and proliferate
in the subendothelial zone, organizing the occluding plug during
the intermediate stage. The final stage is characterized by fibrosis,
shrinkage, and atrophy of the occluded
Incidental Vasculitis
It is not uncommon to find changes of neutrophilic small vessel
vasculitis underlying an ulcer formed by another process (trauma
or surgery). This is incidental vascular injury and can usually
be differentiated from primary vasculitis by correlation with history
and the focal nature of the vessel damage that is restricted to
the area of trauma or ulceration; the vessels in the surrounding
skin will be unaffected. (The term secondary vasculitis is not used
as it refers to vasculitis developing secondarily in systemic disease,
for example
rheumatoid or lupus vasculitis)
(Fig. 13). Neutrophilic dermatoses (eg, Sweet syndrome), can
also exhibit neutrophilmediated vessel damage that can resemble
small vessel neutrophilic vasculitis in approximately 29% of cases,
typically affecting vessels within the diffuse dermal neutrophilic
infiltrate compared with the angiocentric neutrophilic infiltrate
of LCV. In the setting of a neutrophilic dermatosis, vasculitis
is suspected to be an epiphenomenon due to neutrophil byproducts
such as reactive oxygen species and degradative
enzyme, and not a primary immune-mediated event
(Fig. 14).(48,49)
Histologic Patterns Indicative of Vasculitis Subtype, Presence
of Systemic Disease, or
Infectious Trigger
In most cases of cutaneous vasculitis, the histologic changes will
be centered on around vessels and involve the dermis (purpura) or
epidermis (ulcer or infarction) when significant vessel damage or
tissue ischemia has occurred.
However, other reaction patterns can be found in the surrounding
tissues that indicate the presence of systemic disease, most frequently
connective tissue disease (CTD) or the presence of a primary systemic
vasculitis (PSV). Palisading granulomatous (necrobiotic) dermatitis
associated with small vessel neutrophilic vasculitis can be seen
in both PSV such as WG and Churg-Strauss Syndrome (CSS) as well
as CTD such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus erythematosus
(Fig. 15).(50–54) Extravascular
granulomas exhibiting eosinophilic debris around degenerated collagen
bundles due to tissue eosinophilia and flame figures (so-called
red granuloma) are found in CSS,(55) whereas
extravascular granulomas with basophilic debris (‘‘blue’’
granuloma due to mucin, neutrophilic nuclear dust) are found in
WG and rheumatoid vasculitis.(56) Interface
dermatitis associated with either a neutrophilic or lymphocytic
small vessel vasculitis can be found in entities such as perniosis
(chilblains) or CTD such as dermatomyositis and lupus erythematosus
Focal small vessel neutrophilic vasculitis found in the midst
of a fibrotic dermis or subcutis showing lamellar or storiform pattern
of fibrosis indicates chronic localized fibrosing form of vasculitis
found in either granuloma faciale, erythema elevatum diutinum, or
an inflammatory pseudotumor (Fig.
17).(62) Lastly,
the presence of intraepidermal or dermal papillae pustules in concert
with a neutrophilic-rich small vessel vasculitis implicates an infectious
Etiology and epidemiology
(Tables 4 and 5)
Once a patient has been determined to have cutaneous vasculitis
by biopsy, an attempt must be made to determine the etiology as
its withdrawal (e.g. drug) or treatment (e.g. infection) leads to
resolution. Cutaneous vasculitis can represent a primary or idiopathic
process (e.g. WG, CSS, GCA, CLA), a secondary process associated
with another systemic, often chronic inflammatory, disease, or an
eruption triggered by infection or recent drug ingestion. Table
3 lists those disorders that have been associated with vasculitis.
Case-control studies of patients, mostly adults, presenting with
biopsy confirmed cutaneous vasculitis reveals a broad range in the
frequency and incidence of associated conditions that is dependent
on the population studied and clinical setting (primary vs. tertiary
care) (13, 33, 36, 63-90). Table 4 lists
the frequency of finding specific diseases in patients presenting
with cutaneous vasculitis. In general, the presence of severe systemic
vasculitis is low in the community practice settings compared to
tertiary care centers. The differences in infection related vasculitis
mirrors the prevalence of disease in the community with high rate
of hepatitis C related vasculitis in Barcelona, Spain where the
incidence of hepatitis C seropositivity is 0.8%
(13). In comparison, beta-hemolytic streptococcal related
vasculitis in Cape Town, South Africa (65)
was the most frequent infection and hepatitis related vasculitis
was not reported. The absence of MPA in most of these series is
likely due to criteria for diagnosis, as many of the patients diagnosed
with PAN would be called MPA by the CHCC definitions and MPA does
not exist in the ACR criteria (34). Children,
who are often not biopsied, can represent up to 44% of patients
with signs of cutaneous vasculitis, most frequently HSP (88%) (71).
Secondary cutaneous vasculitis is uncommon in children, affects
approximately 4% and is associated with CTD such as SLE and dermatomyositis
(71, 79).
In addition to infectious, drug and systemic and chronic disease
associations, epidemiologic studies on vasculitis have implicated
geographic, genetic and environmental factors in the risk for vasculitis
(92,93). Environmental factors such as silica,
solvents, allergies and farm work account for some of the differences
in the incidence of the vasculitides amongst individuals (94,
95). Non-whites appear to be protected against GCA (96).
Differences in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and cytokine
polymorphisms are also implicated in both susceptibility and severity
of some forms of vasculitis. HSP is associated with HLA DRB*01 in
northwest Spain (97), and the presence of
polymorphisms in the ICAM-1 and IL-Ra genes appear to be protective
against gastrointestinal complications (98) and
control inflammatory responses (99), respectively,
in HSP. Similarly, ICAM-1 gene and endothelial nitric oxide synthetase
(eNOS) polymorphisms were found to be risk factors for susceptibility
and severity in GCA (100).
All ages (range 1-90years), slightly less males than females (94:100
M:F, range 1:2 to 3:1) and adults more often than children (1:5
child: adult, range 1:100 to 3:4) can develop cutaneous vasculitis
(66, 68, 70, 72, 75, 77, 81, 82, 84-86, 88, 90, 101). The
mean age of onset of vasculitis is 47 years (mean of means, range
36-60years) (65-68, 70, 76, 77, 80-82, 84-86, 88,
90, 101). Amongst children, the mean age of onset is 7±4.7years
(31). The onset of vasculitis after exposure to a trigger such as
a drug or infection is 7-10 days. For patients with cutaneous vasculitis
secondary to systemic disease, the interval between the onset of
symptoms and signs of the systemic disease can vary from days to
years, mean of 6 months, before the onset of cutaneous vasculitis
(73). Three patterns of disease evolution
occur in cutaneous vasculitis: 1) single acute, self-limited episode
(resolved in =6months) of vasculitis typically associated with a
drug or infectious trigger (~60% of all cases, range 24-100%); 2)
relapsing disease with symptom free periods usually found in patients
with HSP and CTD associated vasculitis (~20%; 0-53%); and 3) a chronic,
unremitting disease often associated with cryoglobulinemia and malignancy
(~20%; 0-44%) (13, 33, 66, 68-72, 76, 77, 101).
The duration of vasculitis can range from 1 week to 318months,
with mean and median duration of 28 months and 3.7months, respectively
(13). Fatal disease occurs in a minority
of patients (4%; range 0-25%) (13, 33, 66, 68, 69,
71, 72, 76, 77,101).
Vasculitis is an uncommon disorder (as long as the inflammation
of atherosclerosis and plaque rupture are not classified as vasculitis
(102). The annual incidence of biopsy-proven
cutaneous vasculitis in Norwich, England was 39.6/million
(79). In the Capital District of New York, biopsy proven
cutaneous vasculitis compromised 0.54% (55/10,055) of all dermatopathology
accessions during 2003 at Albany Medical Center, a tertiary care
hospital. Based on a population of 794,293 in the year 2000, the
estimated incidence of biopsy proven cutaneous vasculitis is 69.2
per million. This incidence figures is likely an underestimate as
patients with clinically obvious and/or mild disease may not have
been biopsied, or their specimens were interpreted by another, private
laboratory. Thses 2 calculated rates for cutaneous vasculitis are
higher than that reported for isolated, primary cutaneous vasculitis,
HSP and CLA at 13.0-14.3/million and 15.4/million (66,
79), but lower than that for PSV with an incidence and prevalence
at 115.04/million (103) and 439/million
(104), respectively. The variation in the incidences of vasculitis
between different regions of the world studied likely reflects both
population and environmental differences (92,93,
105). In Europe, the incidence of PSV appears to be increasing
with age where WG appears to be more common at high latitudes and
MPA more common at lower latitudes (92). In
contrast, likely due to better control of inflammation with therapeutics
such as methotrexate, the incidence of rheumatoid vasculitis has
decreased in Norwich, England (106).
Pathogenesis (Table
Cutaneous vasculitis is an infrequent event compared to its associated
triggers (e.g. infection, drug exposure and chronic inflammatory
disease), which are relatively common. Moreover, most patients with
cutaneous vasculitis present with a self-limited eruption of palpable
purpura affecting the lower extremities of older individuals where
venous hypertension and stasis have developed. These observations
underscore how the development of vasculitis and its perpetuation
and progression to systemic disease is a unique combination of variables
that include individual predisposition, host responses, local (endothelial)
conditions, and exposure to triggering agents. Highlighting how
an individual defect is a critical element in the development of
vasculitis is a mouse model of murine gammaherpesvirus (?HV68) infection
where minimal symptomatic infection or different disease phenotypes
are dependent on genotype; fatal vasculitis develops in mice which
lack interferon-? or its receptor (107).
Host factors localizing and enhancing vasculitis.
Abnormal coagulation, blood flow (stasis), chronic inflammation,
and endothelial cell activation all contribute to the development
of individual lesions of vasculitis (43, 108).
Hypercoaguable states (e.g. factor V Leiden, protein C or S deficiency)
are significantly more frequent in patients with ulcerative CLA
(109, 110). Due to the long-term effects
of gravitational stasis, the legs are the most frequent site of
vasculitis as blood flow is slowest in these capillaries even when
patients are supine (108). Stasis at points
of pressure from belts and braces, at sites of dependency (e.g.
back, buttocks) in bed-ridden patients, and from trauma (e.g. suction
cups) can also be the sites of cutaneous vasculitis and represent
examples of the Koebner phenomenon (108, 111).
How endothelial cells respond to trauma may also be a key factor.
The skin prick test used to initiate skin pathergy induced endothelial
expression of E-selectin, which recruits neutrophils, in Behçet’s
patients, but not in controls (112). Persistent
inflammation may play an important role in the development of ANCA,
which can themselves amplify and maintain inflammation by activating
neutrophils and endothelial cells, and disrupt apoptosis and clearance
of neutrophils (113).
Indeed, sub-clinical localized granulomatous inflammation is believed
responsible for disease re-activation or relapse, the primary clinical
problem in WG.(114) Cytokine-mediated, pro-inflammatory
changes in the expression and function of adhesion molecules together
with inappropriate activation of leukocytes and endothelial cells
are suspected to be key factors influencing vessel inflammation
and damage (3, 115). Langerhan cells and
other dendritic cells may perpetuate the inflammatory vasculitic
response by promoting adhesion and cell-cell contact (116,
The predilection of medium-sized-vessel vasculitis for bifurcations
may relate to the increased expression of adhesion molecules and
increased numbers of intimal macrophages at these sites. On the
contrary, the preferential small vessel involvement by small-vessel
ANCA+ and DIF+ vasculitides appears secondary to the requirement
for close apposition between neutrophils and endothelial cells (115).
An example of these distinct mechanisms is the arteritis of Kawasaki
disease and that of polyarteritis nodosa (PAN). The pathology of
the necrotizing vasculitis of Kawasaki disease is most consistent
with a primary role for T lymphocytes in the acute injury (lymphocytic
vasculitis). In contradistinction, the necrotizing vasculitis of
PAN is consistent with a primary role for neutrophils in the acute
injury (neutrophilic vasculitis).
The site specificity and persistence of vasculitis may, in part,
be also related to localized endothelial dysfunction mediated by
interactions between stromal cells and endothelium.(118)
For instance, smooth muscle cells and pericytes might activate endothelium,
amplifying its response to pro-inflammatory
agents such as tissue necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha resulting in leukocyte
recruitment and fibrin deposition resulting in and enhancing vasculitis.
In turn, this localized vessel wall inflammation can have systemic
effects by eliciting diffuse endothelial dysfunction in distant
vascular beds via release of secondary mediators such as TNF and
CRP directly into the blood stream.(119,120)
In fact, systemic vasculitis has been found
to be associated with arterial stiffness, a marker of diffuse endothelial
dysfunction, which directly correlates with the degree of inflammation
and disease activity.(121) Anti-TNF-alpha
therapy can reverse this endothelial dysfunction highlighting its
role in the pathogenesis of vasculitis and its accompanying diffuse
endothelial dysfunction.(122,123) Lastly,
inflammationpromoted angiogenesis or neovascularization found in
some lesions of both cutaneous and systemic vasculitides may represent
a double-edged sword compensating for ischemia on the one hand and
promoting inflammation, thus maintaining vasculitis on the other.(43,44)
Of note, the persistence of inflammation and endothelial
dysfunction in systemic vasculitis
appears to have long-term consequences, leading to the acceleration
of atherosclerosis and premature ischemic heart disease.(120,124,125)
Pathogenic mechanisms. (Table5)
Many different types of injury, mostly immune mediated or due to
direct infection, can cause identical responses in the vessel wall
resulting in the morphologic pattern of fibrinoid necrosis, diagnostic
of vasculitis. One reason for this common morphologic endpoint is
that many different pathogenic mechanisms (e.g., immune complex-Arthus
reaction, endotoxin-Schwartzman reaction and venom from Loxoscelism)
lead to activation of neutrophils and abnormal neutrophil diapedesis,
2 factors that may be common denominators in pathogenesis of neutrophil
associated small vessel vasculitis (126).
Other morphologic patterns of inflammatory vessel injury (vasculitis)
exist which include lymphocytic endarteritis and endarteritis obliterans
of transplant vascular rejection (so-called transplant endarteritis
and sclerosing transplant vasculopathy). This form of inflammatory
vascular injury is not typically associated with abundant fibrin
deposits and destruction of the vessel wall with loss of the elastic
lamina (127, 128). Nonetheless, this morphology
is strikingly similar to the life history described for arterial
lesions of Sneddon’s syndrome which appeared to be initially
lymphocyte mediated (lymphocytic endothelialitis)
(47) or due to the effects of toxic oil syndrome a secondary
form of vascular injury whioch has an immune component
(129). Confounding the pathogenic evaluation of vasculitis
is the fact that an interval of minutes to days between the vascular
insult and a clinically recognizable skin lesion can exist. During
this time, varied responses may reduce, enhance, or modify the vascular
response (108). The characteristics of the
initial insult can be lost in these subsequent events, which likely
represent a final common morphologic pathway where transformation
from active, acute inflammatory lesions evolves into older, often
sclerotic, lesions where T-cells and macrophages predominate (115).
Therefore, early vasculitic lesions, 12-48 hours old, must be sampled
to identify the primary pathogenic event(s). Although non-immunologic
factors such as direct infection of endothelial cells can cause
vasculitis, most vasculitic lesions are mediated by immunopathogenic
mechanisms. These mechanisms can be classified into 4 basic types
of hypersensitivity reactions per Coombs and Gell (130).
Specifically, vasculitis can be pathogenically termed I)
allergic vasculitis, II) antibody-mediated vasculitis, III) immune
complex (IC)-mediated vasculitis, and IV) T-cell mediated hypersensitivity
vasculitis. Other immunopathologic mechanisms such as antibody neutralization
(e.g. activation/deactivation of endothelial cell function by antibody
binding), granulomatous inflammation resulting from non-immune mechanisms,
and T cell mediated cytotoxic reactions may also cause some forms
of vasculitis (131). However, the majority
of cutaneous lesions of vasculitis are likely due to IC deposition/type
III hypersensitivity reactions as approximately 81% (range 54-100%)
of direct immunofluorescence exams (DIF) are positive for vessel
wall immunoglobulin and/or complement deposition
(13, 67, 74, 75, 77, 81, 84-88, 132-134). See figure
18. For some cases of IC-mediated vasculitis, a remote pathogenic
event such as viral infection (e.g., hepatitis C) may have triggered
a persistent B-lymphocyte proliferation that culminates in the production
of auto-antibodies, cryoglobulins and IC (135, 136).
Direct infection of vessels.
Some intracellular infectious agents directly infect endothelial
cells triggering vasculitic lesions. Rickettsial organisms and herpesviridae
are 2 of the best documented examples (137-142).
In these cases, endothelial cells may be directly lysed through
active replication or be the target of immune mediated cytotoxicity
(43). One theory of the sequence of events
for the formation of tache noire (eschar) consists of the following:
1) inoculation of R conorii into the dermis of a non-immune individual
by tick bite; 2) entry, proliferation, and spread of rickettsiae
to contiguous endothelial cells in the dermis; 3) rickettsial injury
to vascular endothelium; 4) consequent increased vascular permeability
and dermal edma; and variable occurrence of ischemic necrosis of
the epidermis and dermis, possible due to reduced blood flow caused
by intradermal edema compressing the microcirculation (138).
Endothelial swelling with secondary luminal occlusion could also
account for ischemic necrosis.
Type I allergic or anaphylactic reactions.
Elevated IgE levels and both tissue and blood eosinophilia are found
in patients with CSS (143-145). In the vasculitic
phase of CSS, many cases do not show a classic necrotizing, neutrophilic
vasculitis, but rather an angiocentric infiltration of vessel walls
by eosinophils (145). See figure 19. This
is similar to the histology of eosinophilic vasculitis, a recently
described entity that is associated with CTD, hypocomplementemia
and decreased tissue mast cells. In eosinophilic vasculitis, wall
destruction appears related to deposition of cytotoxic eosinophil
granule major basic protein (MBP), implicating eosinophils as the
mediators of vascular damage. The decrease in mast cells suggests
also that mast cell degranulation occurs (146).
Vascular adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1) expression by activated endothelial
cells and very late antigen-4 expression by adhering eosinophils
distinguishes this form of vasculitis from type III/IC-mediated
vasculitis where E-selectin expression, IC, nuclear debris and neutrophils
are evident (147). Like most forms of type
I allergic or anaphylactic reactions, an antigenic trigger such
as inhalation of foreign particles has been reported in cases of
CSS (148).
Type II antibody mediated cytolytic/cytotoxic reactions.
The correlation of c-ANCA and p-ANCA with WG and MPA, respectively,
and disease activity implicate ANCA in the pathogenesis of these
vasculitides (149). Recently a direct causal
link between ANCA and the development of glomerulonephritis and
vasculitis has been demonstrated in an experimental model; passive
transfer of ANCA was sufficient to induce disease in mice
(150). Lymphopenia and persistent activation of
CD4 T cells (CD25+) may play a role in the development of ANCA and
ANCA-associated vasculitis.(151) ANCA are
believed to activate neutrophils and endothelial cells as well as
induce accelerated neutrophil apoptosis leading release of proinflammatory
cytokines that maintain and amplify and inflammation. In addition,
release of degradative enzymes and reactive oxygen species leads
to tissue destruction (43). Anti-endothelial cell antibodies (AECA)
are also suspected to cause vasculitis and are capable of direct,
complement- and antibody directed cell-mediated cytotoxicity (43,
152). AECA also correlate with disease activity (152).
AECA have specificity for vascular beds with AECA found in Behçet’s
preferentially react with small-vessel endothelial cells whereas
AECA from Takaysu’s react with large-vessel endothelial cells
(152). However, AECA are not suspected to be a primary factor
in vasculitis as they are heterogeneous, mostly uncharacterized
and suspected to develop secondarily to inflammation and antigen
modification (43, 153).
Type III immune-complex (IC) reactions.
The classical experimental model for IC-mediated injury is the Arthus
reaction (154). In the rabbbit model of serum
sickness, repeated injections of heterologous proteins results in
antigen-antibody complexes (IC) and vasculitis when the antigen
is in excess (155). Optimal factors for vasculitis
exist and consist of the size of IC (intermediate or small) (156),
net charge (cationic/positive) (157), and
rate of clearance (decreased), the latter of which is dependent
on the immunoglobulin Fc receptor status (158, 159).
Deposition of IC results in complement activation and release of
anaphyltoxins C3a and C5a that recruit inflammatory cells (160).
Accumulation of neutrophils and mast cells is necessary for the
progression of IC-mediated vascular damage (161-167).
The infiltration of vessel walls and the consequent vessel injury
associated with IC-mediated vasculitis is highly regulated by adhesion
molecules (166, 168, 169); the absence of
intracellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1), P-selectin, E-selectin
and/or P-selectin glycoprotein ligand leads to significant decreases
in neutrophil infiltration, edema and hemorrhage. In humans, expression
of these adhesion molecules has been demonstrated in sites of vasculitis
(112, 170-176). Induction and upregulation of these adhesion
molecules can occur due to complement activation products (C1q)
(177) and cytokines (IL-1?, Il-2, IL-6, IL-8,
tumor necrosis factor–alpha (TNF-?) and interferon-? (INF-?)
produced by activated lymphocytes and macrophages (177-179).
In most cases of cutaneous vasculitis, vascular immunoglobulin
(IgM> IgA> IgG) and/or complement deposition (C3) are found
by DIF examination (mean 81%, range 58-100%) implicating IC deposition
in its pathogenesis (13,63,70,74,75,77,81,85,180,181).
In addition, vascular immunoglobulin and complement deposition can
also be found in the vessels of non-lesional skin (mean 78%, range
54-86%) (81, 88, 182-184) indicating that
immunoreactant deposition is not an event secondary to vessel damage,
but of primary significance. This finding is supported by studies
of histamine-induced vasculitis where immunoreactants preceded vessel
wall inflammation (181, 185). IC are formed
during periods of antigen excess when there is overwhelming infection
or tissue destruction or there is insufficient antibody to solublize
the antigens, which circulate until some event (decreased blood
flow at vessel bifurcations or release of vaso-active compounds)
occurs causing deposition their in blood vessel walls
(186). When deposited in vessels, IC are typically located
in post capillary venules, which are more susceptible to injury
because of low oxygen content, slow blood flow and stasis
(176, 187). Deposition of IC leads to adhesion molecule expression
(i.e. E-selectin) and complement pathway activation with formation
C3a and C5a chemotactic factors that attract neutrophils and basophils
and deposition of terminal complement components (108,
186). Adhesion molecules interact in a sequential fashion
where neutrophils first roll, are arrested and then firmly adhere
to the vessel wall enabling migration outside the vessel wall. Release
of proteolytic enzymes, especially collagenases and elastases, along
with free oxygen radicals damage the vessel walls and the surrounding
tissues. The membrane attack complex, C5b-9, the final product of
the complement activation cascade has been found in the majority
of lesions of CLA (mean 84%), HSP (73%) and PAN (82%) indicating
that it plays a significant role in endothelial cell damage found
in IC vasculitis (86,88,180,188,189); by
direct insertion into the endothelial cell membrane, the membrane
attack complex releases an array of growth factors and cytokines
that lead to thrombosis, inflammation and neoangiogenesis (190,
Type IV cell-mediated hypersensitivity reactions.
The severe clinical consequences of granulomatous arteritis are
suspected to be directly related to luminal vessel occlusion that
results from a maladaptive response-to-injury of the blood vessel
wall due to immunologic attack. Granulomatous arteritis is characterized
by the presence of a vessel wall infiltrates induced by Th1 lymphocytes
that initiate the migration of clonally expanded INF-? producing
T cells into the adventitia where an unknown antigen is suspected
to reside (192, 193). In neovessels of the
adventia and within the granulomaotous inflammation at the intima-media
junction, adhesion molecule expression occurs pointing to inflammation
starting in the adventia’s vaso vasorum rather than arriving
via the vessel lumen (173). INF-? expression
leads recruitment and activation of macrophages, which destroy arterial
elastic tissue. The production of other factors promoting neoangiogenesis
and proliferation of medial and intimal cells are responsible for
luminal obliteration (endarteritis obliterans) and the ischemic
manifestations of the disease. The balance of cytokine production
based on the state of differentiation of T-cells and macrophages
is believed to underlie the varied clinical and pathologic manifestations
of GCA (193). For instance, GCA with ischemic
manifestations is associated with presence of multinucleated giant
cells producing high levels of interleuken 1beta (IL-1?), vascular
endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and platelet derived growth (PDGF),
T-cells producing high levels of interferon-gamma (IFN-?) and low
levels of interleukin-2 (IL-2), and lumen occlusive intimal hyperplasia.
In contrast, GCA with fever, malaise, wasting and no ischemic complications
exhibits a non-stenosing panarteritis without multinucleated giant
cells in lesional tissue and low levels of IL-1?. VEGF, PDGF, and
Superantigen induced T cell responses
Superantigens are microbial products that activate polyclonal T
lymphocytes bearing a specific V-beta segment of the T-cell receptor,
are also suspected to play a role in the arteritis and vascular
injury of Kawasaki’s disease, WG and GCA (194-199).
Indeed, chronic nasal carriage of Staphylococcus aureus has been
associated with higher rates of relapses in WG, favoring the hypothesis
that bacterial antigens play a role in WG, at least with disease
flares (104). Experimental proof of this
pathogenic mechanism was demonstrated in a rabbit ear model where
repeated injections of streptococcal erythrogenic toxins produced
chronic-type arteritis characteristic of lymphocytic infiltration
similar to that of Kawasaki disease (200).
In contrast, injections of human serum albumin in immunized rabbits
produced neutrophilic-leukocytoclastic vasculitis of both medium
and small vessels similar to PAN and CLA, respectively.
Cell-mediated cytotoxicity
Most of the evidence supporting the existence of skin lymphocyte-mediated
vasculitis is based on transplantation studies (201-206).
In the experimental skin allograft rejection model, microvascular
damage preceded significant epidermal necrosis and affected initially
and primarily those venules and arterioles enveloped by T lymphocytes
indicating that the vasculature is the critical target of the immune
response leading to ischemic damage (202, 203).
Notably, lymphocyte inflammation was also directed at the
epidermis; in most examples of clinical histologic small vessel
lymphocytic vasculitis, such as perniosis, an interface dermatitis
is also part of the inflammatory reaction (61, 207).
In clinical studies of lymphocytic small vasculitis, endothelial
and keratinocytic expression of ICAM-1 and CD11a (lymphocyte function
associated antigen-1) was detected (170),
and suggests that in entities where lymphocytic vasculitis occurs
a common antigen exists in both the keratinocytes and endothelium.
figure 16). For allograft transplantation rejection of solid
organs, endothelial cells are one of the principal targets of alloreactive
cytotoxic T cells (208), and these cytotoxic
cells can produce an endothelialitis/intimal arteritis resulting
in severe acute rejection (209). Chronic
rejection is denoted by progressive vascular occlusion followed
by replacement fibrosis of the parenchyma (210).
Granzyme B is suspected top play a role in endothelial cell deathwith
resultant luminal narrowing. (211) In allogenic
stem cell transplants, arterial lesions similar to that of solid
organ rejection (206) and vascular injury
mediated by cytotoxic T cells (205) and associated
with nuclear dust and fibrin (204) has been
described; histologic evidence of lymphocytic vasculitis. Diminishment
of the vascular bed leads to replacement fibrosis of the dermis
and ultimately sclerodermoid chronic graft versus host disease
(205). Scleroderma patients have circulating lymphocytes
that are cytotoxic to endothelial cells in vitro implicating similar
pathway to dermal sclerosis (212).
Vascular intimal hyperplasia (endarteritis obliterans)
Arterial lumenal obliteration or endarteritis obliterans is the
most drastic consequence of vascular injury and is infrequently
identified in skin biopsies where its presence signifies primary
vascular disease (213). In cases of suspected
vasculitis, entities such as Sneddon’s syndrome, CTD such
as Sjögren’s syndrome or scleroderma, and Dego’s
disease (malignant atrophic papulosis) are found (47,
213-215). Intimal hyperplasia is the underlying process of
endarteritis obliterans where smooth muscle cells of the innermost
layer of the arterial wall proliferate and promote turnover of the
extracellular matrix, triggered by stimuli such as vessel wall injury,
inflammation and vessel wall stress/stretching
(193, 216). Physiologically, intimal hyperplasia results
in the closure of the ductus arteriosus and involution of the uterus
after pregnancy. Pathologically, it occurs in pulmonary hypertension,
atherosclerosis, after angioplasty, in vein grafts, in transplant
rejection, in thrombotic disorders, PAN and GCA. Injury, inflammation
or stretch can initiate extracellular proteases (matrix metalloproteinases,
urokinase palsminogen activator) that lead to disruption of smooth
muscle-extracellular interactions. Degradation of smooth basement
membrane and contact with interstitial matrix components (fibronection,
monomeric types I/II collagen) activates smooth cells. Activated
smooth muscle cells migrate, proliferate and promote turnover of
the extracellular matrix. In vasculitis induced causes of intimal
hyperplasia leading to vessel occlusion, macrophage derived growth
factors are key (193). In inflammatory thrombotic
disorders such as Beurger’s disease (thromboangiitis obliterans)
lymphocyte mediated inflammation is suspected to play an instrumental
role in luminal hyperplasia (217).
Pathogenic implications for the management of vasculitis
Increased understanding of the pathogenesis of vasculitis is creating
the potential to specifically target (targeted therapy) and/or monitor
the immune responses responsible for vessel damage (190,
218, 219). Knowledge that P-/E-/L-selectins and P-selectin
glycoprotein ligand regulate IC-mediated LCV diseases provides a
target to block the inflammatory cascade and consequent tissue damage.
By-products of complement activation and complement regulatory proteins
are potential targets for mechanism-specific drugs to block the
inflammatory cascade that initiates vasculitis (190).
In giant cell arteritis, cytokines are encountered in two locations,
the inflammatory infiltrates accumulating in the arterial wall and
in the circulation. Interleukin-6, a cytokine involved in stimulating
acute-phase responses, is located upstream of many of the laboratory
abnormalities considered helpful in diagnosing and managing giant
cell arteritis, including elevated ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation
rate) and CRP (C-reactive protein) (220).
Interleukin-6 has the potential to be helpful in predicting disease
severity as well as detecting disease activity; thus, monitoring
its levels may allow for a tailoring of immunosuppressive therapy
(221, 222). In addition, interferon-? has
emerged as a key regulator in determining the nature and direction
of the inflammatory response and may be critically involved in modulating
the process of intimal hyperplasia and subsequent endarteritis obliterans,
the most destructive consequence of vasculitis. Therefore, interferon-?
could be the chief target for new therapies (221).
Other therapeutic targets include tumor necrosis factor,
interferon-?, matrix metalloproteinases, reactive oxygen species,
platelet-derived growth- and vascular endothelial growth factors,
the interleukin-10/interleukin-12 balance, interleukin-1/interleukin-1
receptor antagonist, and CTLA-4 and other co-stimulatory molecules.
Evaluation and management of cutaneous vasculitis
Clinical examination
and review of systems
Palpable purpura may be the first clinical sign of vasculitis in
a patient at risk for life threatening alveolar hemorrhage, rapidly
progressive glomerulonephritis or a debilitating mononeuritis multiplex.
Indeed, up to half of patients presenting with cutaneous LCV can
be found to have renal involvement. (37)
In assessing the extent of disease, it is important to review for
signs and symptoms of visceral or generalized involvement; the Birmingham
Vasculitis Activity Score is one tool that can identify patients
with concurrent systemic disease (223, 224). Recognition
of a localized cutaneous versus systemic vasculitis is important
in terms of making the correct diagnosis, prescribing treatment,
and arranging appropriate clinical follow-up.
Biopsy: histologic
and direct immunofluoresence (DIF) evaluation
Choice of clinical lesions and type of pathologic assessment has
great impact on the diagnostic yield of cutaneous biopsies. Firstly,
the optimal time for skin biopsy is 24-48hrs after the appearance
of a vasculitic lesion. If the biopsy is poorly timed, the pathologic
features of vasculitis may be absent- a fact that clinicians must
bear in mind when interpreting a negative biopsy from a patient
whose clinical findings suggest vasculitis. A punch biopsy of a
lesion at the appropriate stage (“lesions have lifespans”
and therapy affects the histopathologic findings) will enable histologic
confirmation of most small-vessel vasculitides. Purpuric lesions
obtained in the first 24hours are characterized by fibrin deposits
within the vessel wall accompanied by neutrophilic infiltration
of the wall and surrounding hemorrhage and nuclear debris. After
24hours, neutrophils are replaced by lymphocytes and macrophages
(175, 225). Biopsy of lesions greater than
48hrs old, regardless of the underlying form of vasculitis, may
show lymphocyte-rich infiltrates. Secondly, choice of a shave biopsy,
punch biopsy or excisional biopsy will affect which vessels are
examined as the type of vessel is dependent on location within the
skin and subcutis- i.e. the deeper the location, the larger the
vessel. Thus, if a medium vessel vasculitis such as polyarteritis
nodosa (PAN) is suspected, the biopsy must include the subcutaneous
fat where medium sized vessels are situated. Incisional biopsy is
required for cases affecting larger vessels (nodular vasculitis
and giant cell arteritis). See figure 1.In the case of livedo reticularis/racemosa,
a deep biopsy extending to the subcutis should be taken from the
center of the circular livedo segment (the 'white' center, not the
'red' periphery) because this is where the stenosed vessel responsible
for the cyanotic periphery is located.(226, 227)
Thirdly, biopsies should be obtained from non-ulcerated sites, or
if not possible, from the edge of an ulcer. Lastly, omission of
a biopsy for direct immunofluorescence (DIF) studies wastes an opportunity
to collect potentially valuable information and often leads to misdiagnosis
(1). For example, DIF provides the only way of diagnosing HSP (IgA
vasculitis). It is best to take 2 biopsies, one for light microscopy
and one for DIF examination, rather than split one specimen. However,
in fact, multiple biopsies and extending the biopsy depth to the
subcutis and fascia can significantly increase the diagnostic yield
for vasculitis (1, 226, 228).
Incidental histologic finding of granulomatous arteritis of GCA
has been documented in a skin cancer excision (229).
Typically, biopsy of the temporal artery is utilized for
diagnosis of GCA; however, temporal arteritis is not restricted
to GCA and can been found in patients with WG, MPA, PAN, CV and
rheumatoid vasculitis (230, 231). In patients
with suspected systemic vasculitis without obvious cutaneous involvement,
but with cephalic symptoms such as headache, scalp tenderness or
jaw claudication, temporal artery biopsy is a simple tool for diagnosis
of vasculitis as it is a low risk and simple procedure. However,
histologic findings do not always discriminate between GCA and systemic
vasculitis syndromes such as PAN which can harbor giant cells in
the media, so correlation with additional clinical and laboratory
data is indicated (231).
Direct immunofluorescent studies (DIF).
The absence of immune complexes, so-called pauci-immune vasculitis,
is the typical finding of WG, CSS and MPA with or without medium
sized vessel involvement. Deposition of IgG, IgM, IgA and or C3
in or around the vessels characterizes IC-mediated vasculitis such
as cryoglobulinemic vasculitis (CV) and most cases of CLA. In patients
presenting with cutaneous vasculitis, up to 100% of patients can
be found to have vascular immunoglobulin, complement and/or fibrinogen
immunofluorescence (13,67,74,75,77,81,84–88,
90,132–134,182–184). The most common immunoreactant
found in vessels by DIF is C3 (mean 62%, range 8-93%), followed
by IgM (40%, range 0-100%), IgA (34%, range 0-82%) and IgG (19%,
6-42%) (13,67,74,77,81,84–90,134,182). Notably,
more recent studies have demonstrated that IgA rather than IgM is
the most frequently identified immunoglobulin in patients with cutaneous
vasculitis up to 82% of LCV cases (13, 81, 134);
this difference compared to older studies could be attributed to
different methodologies or choice of sun-exposed or non-exposed
skin (81, 232). Fibrinogen vascular deposits
are also commonly found in 72% (range 41-100%). Similar to HE evaluation,
the presence of diagnostic immunofluorescence patterns is inversely
related to the age of the lesion biopsied. (13,
90) One hundred percent of biopsies will harbor immunoglobulins
within the first 48hours, 30% will be negative at 48-72 hours, and
after 72 hour only C3 is detected in positive DIF samples (13,
90). In addition, the type of immunoglobulin and pattern
of deposits in DIF exams can add diagnostic value: predominate IgA
vascular deposits are found in HSP and point towards renal involvement
(81, 134); and basement membrane zone or
keratinocyte nuclear (in vivo ANA's) immunoreactants, mostly IgG,
can be found in CTD vasculitis such as systemic lupus erythematosus.
In the evaluation of urticarial vasculitis (UV), the finding of
basement membrane zone fluorescence may be seen in patients with
hypocomplementemic states and who have CTD (1, 64,
233). See figure 20. In addition, IgM deposition in blood
vessels may be readily seen in cases of vasculitis with a circulating
rheumatoid factor or with monoclonal production of IgM as found
in cryoglobulinemic vasculitis (CV). In CV, IgA deposits are absent
and HCV infection can be inferred if IgA is absent in both lesional
and perilesional skin (81).
Laboratory studies
Active vasculitis is typically associated with an acute phase response
with an increase in C-reactive protein,
erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and plasma viscosity .
If no obvious cause or diagnosis is apparent, the evaluation should
be completed with tests for rheumatoid factor, antinuclear antibodies,
anti-dsDNA antibodies, antiprecipitin antibodies (Ro, La, RNP, and
Sm), CH50, C3 and C4 levels, cryoglobulins, and ANCA's, as well
as performing a chest X-ray and serum and urine electrophoresis.
In addition, monitoring of levels of certain cytokines (IL-6, TNF-?),
c-ANCA, acute phase reactants (CRP), activated coagulation markers
(thrombin-anti-thrombin III complexes), or markers of endothelial
function (endothelial microparticles, thrombomodulin) can potentially
measure disease activity and response to therapy (178,
220, 234-236).
Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA).
Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) testing has been established
as a useful tool for the diagnosis of small vessel vasculitides.
ANCAs (237–240) were first described
as neutrophilic specific autoantibodies found in rheumatoid arthritis
patients, many of whom had rheumatoid vasculitis.(241)
ANCA-associated vasculitides include WG, MPA, CSS, and some drug-related
vasculitis, but ANCA can be also found in
patients with inflammatory bowel disease, CTD, and other chronic
inflammatory diseases, some of whom may have vasculitis. Positive
ANCA patterns should be separated into p- ANCA and c-ANCA. Perinuclear
pattern of ANCA, pANCA, may be seen with myeloperoxidase (MPO) antibodies
as well as others (eg, LF- lactoferrin, CG- cathepsin) and is found
in MPA and CSS. Cytoplasmic, cANCA, are mostly anti-PR3
(proteinase-3), which is strongly associated with WG. However, the
presence of ANCA is not diagnostic of systemic vasculitis as up
to 60% of patients with cutaneous LCV can have a positive ANCA and
disease limited to their skin,(13) and ANCA
are found at low levels in many systemic inflammatory and pulmonary
disorders that mimic vasculitis.(242) In
this later group, atypical indirect immunofluorescent patterns are
present and antibodies to PR-3 and MPO are rare by antigen-specific
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) testing. In addition,
serial testing is recommended because ANCAs can occur transiently
in patients with acute parovirus infections.(243)
The positive predictive value of ANCA testing by indirect immunofluorescence
and ELISA testing for ANCA associated PSV is 79%.(244)
Recently, IgA class of
ANCA has been frequently detected in cases of erythema elevatum
diutinum (EED), a chronic fibrosing variant of CLA245 as well as
in other variants of cutaneous LCV.(246)
The distinction between localized (cutaneous) versus systemic vasculitis
is thought to be the most crucial point in determining patient outcome.
Depending on the criteria employed such as exclusion if an associated
disease exists or inclusion of all cases demonstrating LCV on skin
biopsy (26), patients diagnosed with cutaneous
vasculitis can be said to have a benign cutaneous disease with few
systemic manifestations and excellent prognosis (33);
or, a systemic disease with prominent cutaneous involvement irrespective
of whether clinical evidence exists of visceral involvement (13).
In fact, systemic involvement may be more common than currently
appreciated as 43% of patients presenting with cutaneous LCV were
to have renal involvement.(37) The likelihood
of progression to systemic disease is thought to be high if serologic
evidence of CTD (eg, rheumatoid factor, antinuclear antibody) is
present.(247) In addition, even patients
with longstanding localized vasculitis such as cutaneous PAN can
progress to systemic vasculitis.(247,248)
Based on the review of literature of case-control studies (mean
mortality of 4%) and clinical experience, cutaneous vasculitis,
in our opinion, should be considered a cutaneous disease with potential
to progress to life threatening systemic disorder as minority of
these patients will have internal organ involvement and a few of
these patients will die of vasculitis.
On average, the duration of cutaneous lesions of vasculitis histologically
diagnosed with LCV is about 28 months, and up to a third of these
patients can have disease for 3years or more (13).
The identification of cryoglobulins, and the presence of arthralgia
and/or a normal temperature have been found to be risk factors for
chronic cutaneous disease (13). The presence
of ulcers compared to palpable purpura also predicts for persistent
and recurrent disease (101). The risk factors
for systemic disease include paresthesia, fever, and absence of
painful lesions (13). In patients with HSP,
a history of recent infection, fever, and the spread of purpura
to the trunk predict for renal involvement (249).
Similarly, the presence of cutaneous necrosis is stated to
be an indicator of systemic disease either due to the manifestations
of CTD or to visceral vasculitis (79). Histologically,
the severity of vessel injury in cutaneous LCV correlates with presence
of systemic disease (69, 101); however, one
study did not find a significant correlation (80).
By DIF, the finding of lesional IgA deposits predicts for the presence
of proteinuria/renal involvment (81, 134).
Moreover, for these patients with HSP and kidney involvement, the
percentage of crescents, the presence of interstitial fibrosis and
the presence of dense sub-epithelial deposits correlated with the
risk for chronic renal failure (250). Other
poor prognostic factors in HSP include the presence of nephrotic
syndrome, hypertension, decreased factor XIII activity, and renal
failure at the outset.(251)
As the pathogenic mechanisms for most vasculitides are still being
defined, targeted therapy interrupting the vasculitis sequence has
not been implemented to date with the exception of TNF blockade
in systemic vasculitis.(123) Therefore, management
of cutaneous vasculitis is by and large empiric in nature and defined
by the principal of do no harm. The foremost reason to treat cutaneous
vasculitis is to comfort the patient. For more severe vasculitis,
the goal of treatment is to prevent extensive ulceration and infarction,
thus, permanent damage of skin and other tissues. Treatment of small
vessel neutrophilic vasculitis should follow a therapeutic ladder
from safe and cheap (eg, support hose and antihistamines) for nonulcerative,
purpuric lesions to expensive and dangerous (eg, daily pulses of
cyclophosamide) for severe systemic disease
with ulcers and infarcts.(13,32,252) In cases
not associated with systemic involvement or neuropathy, conservative
treatment usually leads to good results. If an associated disorder
can be identified, management of this disorder may result in abatement
or clearing of the vasculitis. For example, hepatitis C-induced
mixed cryoglobulinemia treated with IFN-a and antiviral medication
(ribavirin) leads to decreased liver inflammation
and resolution of the hepatitis C- associated vasculitis. Indeed,
suppression of inflammation due to systemic inflammatory disorders
such as CTD may reduce both acute and long-term vascular damage.(253)
Patients should also be given basic instructions on self care, including
diminishing factors known to exacerbate vasculitis such as excessive
stress, or heat or cold exposure (in vasculitis caused by cryoglobulins).
bottom line in caring for patients with cutaneous vasculitis is
to tailor treatment to disease severity.(254)
Vasculitis, inflammation of blood vessels walls, can arise from
multiple pathogenic pathways that ultimately result in most cases
with the histologic pattern of fibrinoid necrosis. The clinical
and pathologic findings of vasculitis are due to the type of vessel
affected and site of involvement. The degree of wall destruction
leads to variable degrees of hemorrhage, ischemia, or infarction.
Cutaneous vasculitis comprises a wide spectrum of overlapping primary
and secondary disease entities that are characterized by predominant
skin involvement
and varying degrees of systemic manifestations. Biopsy confirmation
of cutaneous vasculitis is crucial in confirming the diagnosis and
separating true vasculitis from its mimics. The majority of cutaneous
vasculitis cases will show neutrophilic small vessel vasculitis
(leukocytoclastic vasculitis); however, some cases of cutaneous
vasculitis will be identified by a predominate lymphocytic infiltrate
(lymphocytic vasculitis), the finding of the healed scar of arteritis,
or signs of chronic vessel damage in the form of endarteritis obliterans.
In addition, extravascular histologic clues exist that point to
the presence of a specific entity (patterned fibrosis in erythema
elevatum dinutum) or the existence of systemic disease (deep small
vessel and/or muscular vessel involvement). This information coupled
with direct immunofluorescence data and a thorough history and physical
examination and laboratory work-up that includes ANCA testing can
lead to specific
diagnosis, and ultimately more effective treatment.
John Hopkins Vasculitis Center
European Vasculitis Study Group
Cleveland Clinic Center for Vasculitis
Groupe Francxais d’Etude des Vascularites
International Network for the Study of Vasculitis
American College of Rheumatology
Wegener’s Granulomatosis Association
Comments from Faculty and Members |
Joel Bamford MD, Duluth, MN, USA on January
6, 2006
As a generalist dermatologist, I appreciated the opportunity
to review the subject in such a clear presentation. Having
a print format could be useful, if not against copy considerations.
Jerome Z Litt MD, Assistant Clinical Professor of
Dermatology, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine,
Cleveland, OH, USA on Jan 8, 2006
Awesome!! |